What are the technical features (centers) which add the most value to how this site works?
- More discovery entry points on the home page!
- A list of recently updated notes on the index page; that should make it easier for people who come back to this site on a regular basis to see what has changed.
- Should there be a last updated date on the index page?
- A list of unconnected notes that don’t have any incoming links, or any other mechanism that helps discover notes that aren’t well connected yet.
- Tag or category pages for notes grouped into collections; for instance, each note referring to a source book/chapter.
- I don’t like the graph visualization that much. Not sure it adds value. It came with the template. As several notes aren’t properly linked yet, I’ll leave it in for now.
- A better, more subtle way of referencing specific pages in the books for every citation. Shouldn’t take much space visually; perhaps initially hidden with progressive disclosure?
- Footnotes displayed as floating blocks right next to the place where they are referenced in the main text
- Dark/light mode dependent on system setting (I figured out how, just need to decide on colors…)
Tools & process
- A list of broken links, ie. local links that point to notes that don’t exist.
- Am I using GitHub Pages correctly? Seems odd to have both the “source code” and the generated site in the same repository on the same branch. What’s best practice here?
- Streamline my publishing process: pretty straightforward already; perhaps all that is needed is a little shell script.
One of the scripts in the template rewrites all the notes, regardless of whether they changed or not. That messes with the last modified date, which is reset each time I generate the site. I’d like it to only write the note to disk if it actually makes changes to it. I believe it’s this script.Never mind. Fixed it.
Notes mentioning this note
Growing this site
I’m trying to grow this site in a way that resembles Alexander’s adaptive process — both content and technical features....