The Grameen bank sequence: a single sniffable gene which has been having a profound effect
The Grameen Bank sequence has been copied all over the world. It is highly successful. It operates on the basis of feeling, on what is appropriate. Decisions to lend, or not to lend, are based on intuitive assessment, on trust, and on the decision as to the positiveness of the feeling the lender had, about the project which was to be underwritten by a loan — no matter how tiny.
The example shows that fundamental change, even in high-profile rigid processes like banking, is possible and has been demonstrated in our time. In the case of this example, the time taken to go from pilot projects to widespread copying of the new process was less than a generation.
Disruption theory?!
#book/The Nature of Order/2 The process of creating life/20 The spread of living processes throughout society#