Criteria for evolution — Sequences as a medium of discussion, exchange, modification, and improvement

The crux of successful evolution, even for a simple short sequence, or of a modification in a sequence, is the criterion for quality — that is, the selection criterion for sequences we regard as “morphogenetic”.

Of course, sequences that are more generic, universal, and simple, have better chances of being adopted widely and therefore spread. For this evolution to happen means that the sequences need to be used and evaluated often (in series or in parallel).

Computer scientists found it advantageous to express their ideas as “patterns”, and they — the members of a very large, world-wide community of scientists — then began a process of evolution of ideas about software design, which all of them were able to share.

Lay-people, in all walks of life, and builders, developers, banks, planners, craftspeople are all becoming aware that commonsense ways of talking about design and construction are needed. They, too, now recognize a need for a common medium of discussion and exchange.

#book/The Nature of Order/2 The process of creating life/20 The spread of living processes throughout society#

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