The death of beauty: a huge system effect which destroys all feeling
The present-day piecemeal and fragmented processes of our society, are not oriented towards creating wholes. They are highly organized, yes. But they are not oriented, in their substance, towards the creation of living wholes. They are oriented coherently, but towards making money, or creating power… other matters entirely.
Thus the 20th-century process interrupts the process of paying attention to wholeness, the unfolding of wholeness, and the process of shaping the surface of the Earth correctly.
At the same time it also robs people of the simple joy of acting appropriately, in a way that is fulfilling.
It may seem ridiculous to say that the world will be improved — in its organization — if people are able to act, at every scale, according to their feeling. But it is the whole that is being damaged by the loss of feeling.
By not allowing people to act according to the global feeling of the situation, that means that each of the prevailing processes — whether they have to do with development, or land purchase, or transportation planning, or banking, or speculation, or construction-contract administration — they all, in their present form, have the capacity to damage feeling and therefore to fly in the face of the interests of the global whole.
Worst of all, perhaps, is the fact that the processes which exist — which we now take for granted — in many cases virtually outlaw living process, make living process fundamentally and practically impossible, impossible even to imagine, since the ground rules of the processes we know today have driven them out so far.
#book/The Nature of Order/2 The process of creating life/19 Massive process difficulties#