Transcendent wholeness as a kind of light

I do not believe that the idea of inner light applies only to color. Rather, I think that this light-like thing which we perceive or feel in the cases of great and harmonious color is also visible in all kinds of wholeness — colored or not — and that it is, in fact, the subjective experience of the I which all wholeness ultimately brings us to.

In short, I believe that all wholeness, not just harmonious color, may be considered, ultimately as a kind of light, and that all wholeness, not just color, helps us communicate with the transcendent realm where pure unity exists.

Color has helped lead us to a view of order very different from the one examined in Book 1. In this new view, wholeness exists and is perceived directly as an unbroken unity. It is a quality of melted ness in which elementary “parts” and “structures” no longer exist. They give way to something more deeply unified, a single paste.

If we accept this view as a possible general model for order, we are then confronted with the possibility of all order as something transcendent, in which wholeness is produced — a wholeness connecting us directly with the ground of all things.

What is fascinating about color as a model for this transcendent quality of order is that, like geometric order, it exists first of all as a structure which can be defined. This is suggested, again, by the eleven color properties, which show how deeply all beautiful color is related to the field of centers. Yet it seems that beauty of color also exists as a transcendent unity which can not e described as structure. Thus in this case, structure is the stepping stone which brings us to the transcendent unity. We may think of the structure as if it were a window that allows us to look through at the transcendent unity.

It — the unity itself‚ is not a structure. But it can be seen, grasped, felt, perceived, only through the medium of something which is a structure.

(Pages 236-239)

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