3 How hulls of public space come naturally from structure-preserving transformations

Open attitude to a space

We need to be able to consider the wholeness of a given place, as it is, without prejudice about what is or is not possible. If we are mentally open to the wholeness, we can afford (mentally) to allow unfolding to occur.

Natural places for social spaces to be created

- latent centers arising as a result of a certain **density**, where there is a natural **need for places of congregation**
	- at the center of gravity of a population, there may be a push towards a void to occur, a center, which gathers together the activities of that population into itself
- naturally occurring spots of **natural beauty**, calling a hull of space into being
	- point to the importance of such a particular spot in the land or town as a natural center which has importance in people’s hearts
- natural pressure towards creation of such space induced from within the **culture**
	- if the community has formed a **collective vision** which has also identified naturally required generic centers of some particular type

Best of all, for the unfolding, is when these processes, all three of them, coincide to identify particular and obvious places, which the people in the community recognize as “Of course, we always felt there should be something there…”

Strong centers, as they form, form positive space.

#book/The Nature of Order/3 A Vision of a Living World/3 The hulls of public space#

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