The greek marble horse

What I mean by a generated structure is just such a thing. It is a mistake-free structure which is beautiful and coherent because of the impact of successive applications of the fifteen transformations which create, bring out and generate its beauty and its elegance of structure.

All these fuzzy bits are mistakes. To get rid of these mistakes, the individual shapes of space and objects must be made more solid, more clear — and the elements which are fuzzy, vague, must be cleaned out altogether to leave the rest coherent.

This is all highly relevant to our understanding of generated structure, in the following way: What the artist did is roughly what nature does, when structure-preserving transformations preserve and extend the wholeness of a given system. More important, in any human-made generated structure, the fifteen transformations must be brought in, in an equivalent fashion, to create the link between the larger whole, and the detailed forms within it.
It is this transformative process which allows a generated structure to become alive and mistake-free — this which allows a living process to generate truly living forms.

#book/The Nature of Order/2 The process of creating life/6 Generated structure#

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